The most important thing for me as a startup founder is knowing that every person I work with is excited to show up to work every day, that each is doing what he or she loves. The most amazing words I could ever hear one of our team member say (and I'm humbled to overhear it occasionally!), is, "This is the best thing I've ever had." And if it's not, I'd rather help him or her find that job than help us do what we love at his or her own expense.
I'm not saying anything loads of great thinkers haven't already said. But sometimes it's important to remind ourselves why we're doing what we're doing, and to take inventory of our dreams.

“Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs."
If you are of the group who believe that a fat paycheck is better than being passionate at work, you need to think again. If you’re having problems dragging yourself out of the bed for work every other morning, the first step is to admit that you’re no longer as passionate as you used to be. Similarly, if you are having bad days at work every other day, you might have a problem.
People find excuses not to accept new challenges because they are afraid to change. Ask yourself if you’ve missed out on numerous opportunities for you to take one step up in your career because of such an irrational fear. If you realize that the problem actually lies with your doubts about your own capability, work them out.
One possibility as to why you are no longer passionate about your work could be that what lured you into it ten years ago no longer attracts you now. This is not unusual since our priorities change as we enter different phases of life. Nevertheless, there are many aspects of work which one can be passionate about.
For instance, a web developer may start off his or her career with a specific interest in the programming of web pages, but gradually switch to become a trainer for future developers. The love for web development remains, but the focus has now shifted from doing the actual developing to imparting knowledge and experience to new bloods.

“Always hire for passion, not skills. Skills can be taught, passion is hard to find”.
Also be true and passionate for whatever you do. Do it with your full heart. Always follow your passion, and success and money will automatically follow.
Hunter Thomson once said, “Life should not be a journey to grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in, thoroughly worn out, loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!”
You can read my earlier post here "Mentors! have you missed on this?"
Influencer marketing
Personal Effectiveness
Alok Tamhankar
Founder at Think StartUp /Enabler/Entrepreneur/Speaker